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Bayserik Bakhtiar

Bayserik Bakhtiar

Date of Birth
19.06.1993 (31), Zhetisay, Kazakhstan

Zodiac sign

The master of transformation is called Bakhtiyar Baiserik, who easily accepts any image. His diverse characters and qualities help him to give people art that returns to the performer with popularity and joy. 

Creative path

Bakhtiyar, having graduated from the capital Almaty gymnasium № 62, and in 2011 entered the KazNAI named after Zhurgenov. He studied at the department on a specialty "Acting skills and a direction".

Colleagues note the inimitable and magnificent charisma of Bayserik. The versatility of the game technique allows the talent to open with great force. The theatre piggy bank is already rich in performances: "The Avalanche", "Happy Beggars", "The Last Exam". Each of them is instantly memorable, so colorful and soulful.

Participation in the world of cinematography is also gaining momentum. The artist has successfully played the main characters in films of different years:

  • "The Brigade" (2015),
  • "Kosh Keldiniz" (2016),
  • "Karia" (2017) and others.

Bakhtiyar considers the leading role in Majors (2015), which shows representatives of the elite society, to be the debut of a major cinema. Performing Danik, a vengeful antagonist, the artist tried to convey to the masses the idea that there is no need to waste time on negative feelings of envy.

Teaching at his native university, Bayserik is open to proposals for cooperation with directors for filming. It's a pleasure to continue to perform in the Jas Sahna theater troupe.

Baiserik Bakhtiar: family life

The young man is not married. On social networks, the status says he's looking for a soulmate.

Interesting facts:


1. In the first week of the rental television project "Majors" collected more than 7 000 000 tenges.


2. Bakhtiyar reads books by Nikolai Sparks, among his favorites, also a work by Ilyas Esenberlin - the novel "Lovers.