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Pascal Caprino

Pascal Caprino

Date of Birth
17.05.1986 (38), Italy

At the sign of the zodiac

Son Pascal

Son Dream is an Italian phenomenon in the Kazakh scene. For the first time, the public appreciated his work in the early 10s after he moved to live in Almaty. As the artist himself says, the reason for this was two girls. The first was A. Nurpeisov's sister Dina, whom he met in Rome and invited him to Kazakhstan. He decided to stay for a long time, having met Asiya Ospanova.

Born Son Pascal in Italy and fascinated by music after his uncle gave him a guitar on his name. After graduating from school, he was actively engaged in career: Son Pascal gave concerts in nightclubs, on small platforms; he composed songs, trying different genres and directions. So, one day he found himself in London. Son Pascal parodies were quickly gaining popularity, but in Kazakhstan, he was famous for his track "Englishman in Shymkent" which blew up the Internet. Despite his fame, the first months in Kazakhstan were difficult for the artist: he didn't know the language, his family and friends were far away. But persistent character did not let him give up, and Pascal began to "break" his way into the domestic show business. He sang indie style "Kozimnin Karasy", and then pleased fans with the hits "You should speak kazaksha" and "Janym Sol". The next song "Aynalaiyn" just melted fans' hearts with its melody. He also learned to play the dombra and Shankobyz and in general, devotes a lot of time to studying local traditions and folklore peculiarities.

Living in the capital, Pascal shared his observations on local traditions and culture. As a result, the show "Pascalistan" appeared. Thanks to him, 7 million Italians were able to learn more about our homeland. Son Pascal continues to produce songs and record video clips.

By the way, son Pascal sings mixtures in Kazakh, Russian and English.

Personal life

Pascal's dream girl was Asiya Ospanova, they broke up. Now the artist is open to new relationships.

Interesting facts

  1. The rider of Son Pascal says that he should not be treated to besparmaq before and during the performance.
  2. In the video "Aynalaiyn" Son Pascal sings with Al Bono.
  3. He likes to fly a paraglider.