Репертуар театра в Кызылорде

The play «My grandson Veniamin» with the participation of the People's Artist of Russia Liya Akhedzhakova

«My Grandson Benjamin» is a surprisingly poignant story of family relationships. The main character lives with memories of the past, in her memory traditions and orders from childhood. Domineering and used to deciding everything for others, she unsuccessfully looks for the right bride for her son. And then one day he decides to take an important step… 

The classic resistance of «fathers» and «children» in the play is strung on a funny and at the same time touching story about maternal love, capable of both creating something beautiful and destroying everything around.

The funny and at the same time touching story written by Lyudmila Ulitskaya in the late 80s, and today does not lose its relevance - the themes of the relationship of generations, racial issues and the breadth of the human soul will always be interesting to viewers.

This is a full-fledged performance with large-scale independent decorations.

The premiere took place in 2015. Since then, the performance has been successfully held in various cities of Russia, the USA, Canada, and has successfully toured Israel, the Baltic States, Georgia, Spain and France.