Репертуар театра кукол Костанай

No strangers here...

"Here are all your ..." - a talented author's reading of the immortal comedy of N. Gogol. The director-director - Honored Art Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yuri Haninga-Beknazar - presented Gogol's text in a new role. The topical sound and the situation familiar to everyone from the school bench, is perceived as today's reality. The whole entourage of the performance is quite arbitrary, the main characters in modern costumes. In one episode, the Governor comes out in camouflage uniforms. Very distinctly all the images of the comedy were solved: the servant Osip and Khlestakov on one leg, the road was level, and Khlestakov himself is not at all a frivolous fool, but a man who can keep his nose to the wind is threatening and even insolent. But the Gorodnichy is not particularly accustomed - he is smart, thin, confident in himself, he knows perfectly where to push, and where - to let go. A unique director's decision and a talented play of actors create an amazing atmosphere of interpenetration of stage action and audience perception. This task is partially reflected already in the title of the play - "Here everything is yours ...". Still, you need to find in your soul even a drop of Khlestakov's blood, in order to undertake a great comedy.