Афиша кино в Костанае

Kazakstan Kompozitorlar Odagy Shakyrady


Kazakstan Kompozitorlar Odagy Shakyrady

(To the 85th anniversary of the Union of Composers of Kazakhstan)


The concert “Kazakstan Kompozitorlar Odagy Shakyrady” is dedicated to the anniversary of the creation of the Union of Composers of Kazakhstan.

At the origins of the formation of this creative union were the venerable figures of Kazakh musical art – A. Zhubanov, Ye. Brusilovsky, M. Tulebayev, L. Khamidi, B. Yerzakovich and others. Today, their legacy is continued by more than 120 members of the Union of Composers, 34 of whom live and create in the capital.

The anniversary evening programme will include arias and duets from operas, romances and songs, as well as instrumental compositions by the luminaries of the national school of composers – G. Zhubanova, Ye. Rakhmadiyev, as well as works by contemporary authors – B. Kydyrbek, S. Abdinurov, G. Uzenbayeva, L. Zhumanov, M. Sutyushev, A. Abdinurov, A. Tani, A. Zhaiym, K. Izmailova, D. Kalmaganbetov, A. Nauryzkhan, A. Zhanbayev, A. Kadyrov and others.

The concert will feature opera soloists from the Astana Opera House and other performers.

Tickets purchased at the State Opera and Ballet Theatre “Astana Opera” are subject to exchange and refund only in cases of cancellation or postponement of performances. In all other cases, no refunds or exchanges will be made.