FitnessBlitz - Dukat


Address: Shalyapin Street, corner of Altynsarin Avenue, district 10, house 3b, Dukat trading house, 4th floor.

Contact number: 8 771 228 2236.

Metro: Moscow station.
Distance from the station: 1 500 meters.

Entrance: from the side of Shalyapin Street.

Parking: there is a parking lot, arrival from Shalyapin's side. Parking for visitors free of charge.

Canteen: pizzeria.

FitnessBlitz is a network of gyms promoting not only the beauty of the body but also self-development through the knowledge of their body and abilities. One of the halls is located in the 10th district - FitnessBlitz Dukat. Free parking is available for visitors to the center, which is accessible from Shalyapin Street. In case you get very hungry, there is a pizzeria nearby. You can find out the cost of visits and buy a subscription at FitnessBlitz Dukat online at the website Ticketon.