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Andrey Shabanov

Andrey Shabanov

Date of Birth
17.11.1986 (38), Almaty

Who by the sign of the zodiac

a sportsman

Andrey Shabanov is younger than his star namesake and namesake by 10 years but has already managed to show good results in their overall sport - football.

Sports Way

He came to football lessons in hometown. The first coach of the young player was Zhitkeev. A year later, the section where the young man was engaged, combined with "Lokomotiv", which coached Romanov.

The club career began in 2003. He played for FC "Alma-Ata" since 2008. From 2009 to 2011. played in the "Atyrau". Season 2012 and 2013 was spent in Almaty "Kairat". Then for a short time (2013-2014) returned to the previous club.

Since 2015 is a goalkeeper of professional FC from Taldykolgan "Zhetysu". Andrey Shabanov`s statistics is good for his position on the field. Last year in the premier league he missed only 10 goals.

Andrey Shabanov: family life

A young man does not comment on his family and his relationships. His mother died a few years ago, and he had a hard time with the loss.

Interesting facts

  1. Came to football thanks to my big brother. He was also fond of this sport and during home training, he put the junior defending the goal.
  2. He is the winner of the Cup of Kazakhstan in 2009.
  3. He gets along well with his teammates, is friendly and self-confident.