Афиша кино Кокшетау

Ночной Чарынский каньон

Attention! After purchasing a voucher for the tour, make reservations by the phone numbers indicated in the ticket.

Place of dispatch:
Gathering of the group at 100 Baitursynov St., between Abaya Ave. and Satpayev St., opposite gost. «Astana»


  • 17:00 gathering, 17:30 departure from the city
  • 21:30 arrival at Charyn Canyon
  • 22:00-23:30 walking part of the canyon tour
  • 24:00 campfire gathering, picnic
  • 24:00-01:00 — songs of the bard with guitar, picnic 01:00-03:00 - dancing, launching fireworks (or lanterns)
  • 01:00-03:00 dancing, launching sky lanterns (or fireworks)
  • 03:00 departure from Charyn Canyon
  • 07:00 arrival in the city