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College of Art named after Tattimbet

Колледж искусств им. Таттимбета

Address: Mukanov Street, 1.

Contact number: 8 (7212) 77 00 56, 8 (7212) 77–00–60, 8 (7212) 77–17–74.

Bus stop: Vostanovitelnyy center station.

Distance from the station: 850 meters.

Entrance: from the side of the micro-district South East.

Parking: ground parking behind the college for 5 cars. It is free of charge. Check-in from the side of the micro-district South-East.

College of art named after Tattimbet in Karaganda is a forge of talents. Within its walls, students study 15 specialties. Also at the college operate mixed choir, dance ensembles, and 2 orchestras. In the concert hall of the College of Arts in Karaganda are constantly held performances of students and guest artists.

You can buy tickets online for concerts at the college of art named after Tattimbet, at the service Ticketon.