Репертуар театра им. Сейфуллина

Composer Abiken Khasenovty 130 zhyldygyna arnalgan «Kui keshi» atty eske alu keshi

Композитор Әбікен Хасеновты 130 жылдығына арналған «Күй кеші» атты еске алу кеші.Venue: Karaganda, Shalkyma Concert Hall

Date: November 24, 2023

Time: 18:30

Parking: yes

Age limit: 5+. Children over 5 years old must purchase tickets

Duration: 1 hour 20 minutes

Additionally: Children under 4 years old have free admission (no seat provided)

Artistic director: Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan Abdugalysyn Shokanbaev

Chief conductor: Winner of the “100 New Names” project Erlan Bakhtygerey