Репертуар театра КАТМК
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“AMANAТ” - the legend of Alpamys-batyr has a specific place in rich oral literature heritage of the Kazakh people. This legend came to us from the depth of the centuries. From one generation to another, Kazakh people performed this heroic epos in different versions. The epos about Alpamys, the batyr has already market its 1000th Anniversary, but Kazakh people still keeps in its heart the poetry of his feats. Not coincidentally, the heroic epos “Alpamys-batyr” is included into the repertoire of our theatre - the aim of the theatre is teaching the sense of patriotism and readiness to protect the Motherland in young generation, and Alpamys, who devotedly loved his land and defended it from enemies, is the best role model.

The legend about Alpamys - is the common heritage of the cultural legacy of Turkic speaking people. The personality of Alpamys, not only a warrior, but also a justice fighter, in the extreme reflects the spirit of the independent Kazakhstan. 

The premiere of the performance took place on November 5, 2016.