Muz Talk Show is TWICE as good as 25!

Муз Ток Шоу в ДВА раза лучше, чем 25!Venue: La Bohême Theater, 24 Zenkova, (28 Panfilovtsev Park, House of Officers, central arch, Pavilion 2, 2nd floor)

Date: December 9th

Beginning: 19:25

Duration: 180 minutes

Age limit: 10+






The unusual thing about our Music Talk Show this time is that it completely coincidentally coincided with the anniversary of the ancestor and its host, Sholpan Sarmuldayeva! Therefore, it will be fun to speculate how She and other speakers have reached such a date, or are still rolling...
And, of course, we are preparing great songs for you! Come, sign up as speakers while there is such an opportunity, try yourself as a storyteller or, if you have already been one, please us with your personal story and/or a song "in the theme"!
We are looking forward to seeing you!