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Zhandos Aybasov

Zhandos Aybasov

Date of Birth
30.06.1989 (35), Almaty, Kazakhstan

Zodiac sign

Zhandos Aybasov is an actor who has already become famous far beyond his homeland. 

Creative Way

Graduated from Almaty College of Decorative and Applied Arts named after Tansykbaev. After that, he entered the KazNAI named after T. Zhurgenov, by profession - director. He began shooting in the tapes since 2014. Zhandos Aibasov starred in the following films:


  • "Bloody Transit";
  • "Elevator";
  • "For Love";
  • "Cinderella Zaur";
  • "The Districts";
  • "Robbery in Kazakh."
  • "The Marco Polo Series."
  • "Kenje."
  • "Taraz" and others.

In his youth years he was engaged in boxing and now often says that sports training is very helpful during the filming. Recently in the movies, he can be seen more often as a stuntman.

Zhandos Aybasov: family life

He tries not to advertise his relationship with the opposite sex. There are reports that he met with his 27-year-old colleague Aysulu Azimbaeva. At the moment, the couple broke up. The reason for this is the disagreements that have arisen, which have prevented him from building further relations.

The actor has a younger sister and brother. Mom is a pediatrician, the father is a businessman. The actor has a warm relationship with relatives. His parents support him in all his endeavors.



Interesting facts:

  1. The first film featuring Him and She.
  2. He was in 22 works.
  3. Directed the movie "The Narcosis".