Драматический театр им. Махамбета Утемисова

Family Show performance «Dreams Changing the World» in Astana

Семейный Шоу-спектакль “Мечты Меняющие Мир” в АстанеAstana, meet me!

From the creators of the Family show «Dreams Changing the World», we present an inspiring New Year's show performance «Dreams Changing the World» with New stories. More experiments and incredible special effects, a bright laser show and experiments with electricity are waiting for you.All this preceded the great discoveries of famous scientists, inventors and tricksters. During the performance, children together with their parents will become participants in the magic laboratory and will be able to discover the formula for fulfilling a dream, right in the auditorium. Do you want your child to fulfill his dream?

Then see you at the show «Dreams that change the world. New stories»!