Драматический театр им. Махамбета Утемисова
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Year of release: 2023


Country of manufacture: UK, USA

Director: Ridley Scott

Cast: Joaquin Phoenix, Vanessa Kirby, Ludivine Sagnier, Ben Miles

Genre: action/drama/military

Duration: 158 minutes

Age limit: 18+

Premiere date: November 20, 2023


«Napoleon» (2023) is an exciting historical film about the life and reign of the famous French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. The film covers the key episodes of his life from a penniless young man, a military genius, to being crowned emperor of France.

The focus is on his military exploits, such as the Italian campaign and the Napoleonic Wars, as well as his complex personal relationships and political contradictions.

The film immerses the viewer in the era of Napoleon with the help of magnificent costumes, scenery and impressive battle scenes. «Napoleon» is a historical epic that will attract the attention of historical enthusiasts and lovers of high-quality cinema.