Драматический театр им. Махамбета Утемисова
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Красные горы (Богуты) - Деревянное озеро

​Attention! After purchasing a voucher for the tour, make reservations by the phone numbers indicated in the ticket.

Place of dispatch:
Gathering of the group at 100 Baitursynov St., between Abaya Ave. and Satpayev St., opposite gost. «Astana»


  • 7:00 gathering.
  • 7:30 departure.
  • 11:00 arrival at the bus stop near the Boguta Mountains.
  • 11:00-15:00 walking in the mountains, lunch time.
  • 15:00-16:00 drive to the Wooden Lake.
  • 16:00-18:30 visiting the lake. 
  • 18:30-22:30 return to the city.

The time is indicated approximately and may vary depending on the physical fitness and punctuality of the group, as well as in unforeseen circumstances!

The price includes:

  • transfer
  • guide
  • ECOposts