Драматический театр им. Махамбета Утемисова

Romeo and Juliet

“Romeo and Juliet”, the play directed by Nurlan Assanbekov in the Academic Russian Drama Theatre named after M. Gorky of the capital city - is the most brilliant and ambiguous event of the new 113th season. The production is a talented author’s interpretation of the famous Verona’s story.

A flat, eccentric action is oversaturated with emotions, raised to the power of unreality, and probably a dream. The heroes of these events accept them in different ways, and recalling in their memories, every time react to them in a new way.

A spectator will feel himself a witness of eternal conflicts, tragic and senseless many times. However, the most important thing - love of young and beautiful Veroneses and the bright acting of the actors, which brings modern energy of juvenile ardor, lyrics and tragedy into the collisions of the story. Wide area folk stage settings and music revive wall paintings of the Middle Ages in emotional memory of the audience.

The performance, inspired by Shakespearean spirit is based on associations, fine nuisances, humor (because it is not a tragedy) and deliberately “artificial” modern devices. Does it make thinking? No doubt. Because history repeats until we learn its lessons.