Драматический театр им. Махамбета Утемисова

Acting courses for children and teenagers

Курсы актерского мастерства для детей и подростковVenue: Almaty, TeatRon Cultural Space. Manhattan residential complex. Prokofiev, 144.


  • Group 5-8 years from September 5 
  • Group of 9-12 years from September 4
  • Group 12-15 years old from September 5


  • For children *5-8 years old*: Tuesday and Thursday 18:00-19:00
  • For children *9-12 years old*: Monday and Wednesday 19:00-20:00
  • For teenagers *12-15 years old*: Tuesday and Thursday 19:00-20:00


  • Group for children 5-8 years old;
  • Group for children 9-12 years old;
  • A group for teenagers 12-15 years old. 

Additionally: Every 3 months, students will show report performances and concerts. There is also a 10% discount for the second and third child.