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Gaukhar Sattarova

Gaukhar Sattarova


Gauhar Sattarova and the group "Steps" work in mixed style: traditional jazz, Latino, funk, dance music. She graduated from the specialized school № 1. The future prima studied singing art with popular teachers of Almaty and Tashkent.

Creative way

A productive tandem of vocalists and musicians lasts 18 years, since 2001. "Steps" is the most famous Kazakh ensemble performing in a jazz style, touring in the country, beyond its territorial boundaries (Great Britain, Russia, Uzbekistan, and other countries). Today the ensemble is actively working on the release of its debut album. By the way, the name, which means steps in translation from English, the band was invented by the permanent soloist, it happened after the first performance in the nightclub "Admiral Nelson".

Gauhar Sattarova: Family life

In 2003 she married Andrey Chernov, the creative director and ideological inspirer of "Steps". He is also a permanent bass player.

Interesting facts

  1. In 2018 she was a participant of the family festival UNITY-2018 and together with children performed there the main song of the holiday "Believe and live".
  2. Gauhar is the birth sister of singer Zhanna Sattarova, who died in 2017 after a long and exhausting struggle against cancer. In her memory, the girl regularly participates in charity projects organized to raise funds to help people suffering from serious, incurable diseases. 
  3. Now the performer, together with close friends of the deceased jazz star, collects unique material, photos for a book, a documentary film about her relative.