Репертуар театров в Усть-Каменогорске

Autumn Rendezvous

Chamber Music Evening

Autumn Rendezvous: Melodies of Strings


The winners of international competitions, Musa Kerimbayev (cello) and Anara Kamelinova (piano), invite you to listen to masterpieces of classical music at the “Autumn Rendezvous: Melodies of Strings” concert. The instrumental duo will perform chamber works by F. Schubert and S. Rachmaninoff, as well as pieces by Kazakhstani composers.

Musa KERIMBAYEV (cello)

A graduate of the Republican Specialized Secondary Music Boarding School for Gifted Children named after A. Zhubanov and the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory.

Winner of numerous international competitions and festivals. Awarded the honorary title “Madeniyet Uzdigi”.

Currently collaborates with renowned Kazakhstani ensembles such as the Chamber Music Ensemble “Camerata Kazakhstan”, the State Academic Symphony Orchestra, the Variety and Symphony Orchestra of the Akim of Almaty managed by A. Belyakov, and the Almaty Symphony Orchestra.

Actively combines solo concert activities with teaching. Author of a collection of arrangements of Kazakh kuis for solo cello titled “Kui Alemi”.

Anara KAMELINOVA (piano).

She graduated from the Kazakh National University of Arts and completed an assistantship-internship.

An active promoter of chamber music genre in Kazakhstan. Performs in ensembles with renowned national musicians: cellists Yermek Kurmanayev, Eldar Saparayev, violinists Bagdat Abilkhanov, Vladimir De, Anel Shakirova, as well as with Eduard Schmieder (USA), Ernis Asanaliev (Kyrgyzstan).

She has performed at Carnegie Hall (USA), Zhambyl State Philharmonic, Astana Opera House, as well as in Korea and Kyrgyzstan.

Recipient of the honorary badge “Madeniyet Salasynyn Uzdigi”, as well as many musical awards, including the UMAI-2022 National Arts Award in the category “Best Musical Ensemble” jointly with Ye. Kurmanayev.

Combines active concert activities with teaching at the Kazakh National University of Arts as an associate professor at the Department of Piano and Organ.


1. F. Schubert. "Arpeggione" sonata for cello and piano

2. S. Rachmaninoff. Cello Sonata in G minor

3. A. Zhubanov. Aria

4. A. Zheldibayev. Yerke Sylkym (arranged by M. Kerimbayev). Premiere performance.


winners of international competitions:

Musa KERIMBAYEV (cello)

Anara KAMELINOVA (piano)

Tickets purchased at the Astana Opera are exchangeable and refundable only in cases of cancelled or postponed performances. In all other cases, no refunds and exchanges are possible.