Афиша кино Кокшетау

Baroque Music

The Baroque era... Majestic architecture, intricate patterns and equally colorful and ornate music. Are you ready to hear echoes of the past, travel back several centuries and get into the atmosphere of a baroque concert?


“Dala Classic” company invites you to an evening of the past, an evening of music from the long-gone Baroque era.


The Baroque musical culture brought together the beautiful and the ugly, tragedy and comedy. “Irregular beauties” became the “trends” of the Baroque era, replacing the naturalness of the Renaissance. But it was precisely thanks to the emerging contrasts that the world learned the names of such composers as A. Vivaldi, G. Pergolesi, G. F. Handel, F. Cupern, J.-F. Rameau and many others. The crown and final culmination of the Baroque era was the work of J. S. Bach and

G. Handel.


The music of the Baroque era is the secret meanings of the composer's symbols and amazing images of musical compositions.



“Viles nobiles” ensemble of baroque music

conductor - Kanat Omarov



Angela Shagarova | soprano

Emil Sakavov | baritone



In a programme:

  • A. Vivaldi, trio sonata op.1 No. 12 “La Follia”


G. F. Handel:

  • Overture from the opera “Rinaldo”
  • Alcina’s aria “Torna mi a vagheggiar” from the opera “Alcina”
  • Almirena's aria “Lascia ch'io pianga” from the opera “Rinaldo”
  • Simon's aria “I feel the Deity within” from the oratorio “Judas Maccabee”
  • Xerxes' aria “Ombra mai fù” from the opera “Xerxes”


J.F. Rameau:

  • instrumental interlude and minuet from the musical and lyrical tragedy “Dardan”
  • recitative and aria “Partez, volez, brillants eclairs” from the cantata `Thétis` (Thetis), RCT 28
  • Telaira's aria "Tristes apprets" from the opera “Castor and Pollux”
  • "Les Sauvages"
  • Duet of Winter and Adario from the opera-ballet "Gallants of India"



*the organizer has the right to make changes to the program and line-up of performers