Ballet «Swan Lake» in Petropavlovsk
The ballet is based on the story of chivalric times about the ideal and unattainable love of a prince for an enchanted beauty in the form of a swan. Refined movements, soft and smooth adagios, magnificent synchronisation and beauty of performance. The whole action evokes genuine emotions. The stage design completes the picture, immersing you in the atmosphere of a medieval castle.
«Classical Russian Ballet» is a successful Moscow classical dance company. During its active creative life, the company has established itself as a professional developing team, which includes the best representatives of Russian ballet schools, talented promising young people and mature honored masters of dance. The basis of the ballet company today consists of graduates of the Moscow Academy of Choreography, the Academy of Russian Ballet named after A.Ya. Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet (St. Petersburg) and other famous ballet schools of Russia. Khasan Usmanov, its Artistic Director and a soloist of the theater, took part in the formation of the Classical Russian Ballet company.
«The Swan Lake» without a fraction of exaggeration can be called a pearl of Russian classics, it is rightly considered a benchmark of high art. It is a reverent and beautiful love story, filled with many obstacles and trials that await the young lovers.
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