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The Trap (2025)
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Year of release: 2025
Country of manufacture: USA
Director: David Jaroveski
Starring: Bill Skarsgard, Ashley Cartwright, Navid Charkhi
Genre: Thriller
Age limit:
Premiere date: March 27, 2025
This evening didn't go well for Eddie right away: he decided to steal the wrong car.
The owner of a luxury car, William, who clearly does not disdain to bleed anyone, took the law into his own hands.
Now Eddie is in the captivity of a very dangerous man, and if he doesn't figure out how to get out of the cruel grip of the self-proclaimed vigilante, he won't have long to live.
A brutal cat-and-mouse game begins, culminating in the heart of Los Angeles. The City of Angels will never forget this evening.
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Каратэ-пацан: Легенды (2025)