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Nigmatullina Linda

Nigmatullina Linda

Date of Birth
14.05.1983 (41), Almaty, Kazakhstan

Zodiac sign


Linda Nigmatullina is recognized by law as one of the most beautiful women in Kazakhstan.

Creative Way

Her parents are cult artists of the end of the last century, the spouses of the Nigmatullins, adored by film viewers in their time. Venera of Uighur blood and Talgat had Uzbek-Tatar roots. The name of the little girl was given an unusual one. That was the name of Bruce Lee's wife, who was worshipped by his father. The beginning of an acting career can be considered shooting the pregnant Linda’s mother. And at 3 years old, appeared in the movie "Son-in-law of the province", and then received the first payment: 60 pennies.

In the family, the baby in every way supported, instilled the best qualities: responsibility, discipline. She was raised as a self-sufficient child, educated in different fields. Physical development was facilitated by karate lessons and swimming. Linda loved to sing, so she mastered vocal art, also learned the basics of psychoanalysis.

The adult debut was the drama series "Crossroads". Then played the main character of the tape "Dream Grant" in the story of the provincial woman, arriving in Moscow, and after 2 years and herself moved to the capital of Russia.

Moscow works are different genre films: detective "Viola Tarakanova", action movie "Platinum". "Nomad" shot by I. Esenberlin allowed experiencing the happiness of working with the masters of the world - D. Scott Lee, M. Dakaskos.

Linda Nigmatulina: family life

From a member of the Bagels group. Mukhtara has an artist's son, Alrami. After 2 years, the couple broke up.

Interesting facts:

  1. Performed in the Nisso band.
  2. Standing on the juvenile records.
  3. For the role of Marina in "Bear Hunting" was selected from 500 applicants.