My Hero Academy: You're Next (2024)
"My Hero Academia: You’re Next" is a dynamic animated film that continues the thrilling adventures of Izuku Midoriya, a middle school student in the U.S. who dreams of becoming the greatest hero. This time, he must face a new and dangerous foe a villain who mimics his idol and uses his own powers against him.
When a looming threat challenges everything he has learned, Izuku must overcome his fears and doubts to protect his friends and the world from the impending evil. Through this struggle, he not only refines his abilities but also confronts internal conflicts that test his resilience.
The film combines intense battle scenes, vivid emotions, and valuable lessons about friendship, courage, and self-discovery. "My Hero Academia: You’re Next" is a story about the importance of staying true to your ideals, even when facing those who misuse power for evil. Audiences can expect unforgettable moments, unexpected twists, and inspiring victories.
Year of release
Country of manufacture
Tensai Okamura
The main actors
Daiki Yamashita, Nobuhiko Okamoto, Yuki Kadrita
anime, cartoon, action, comedy, fantasy
110 minutes
Age limit
Premiere date
November 21, 2024