

2021 / 2022                 Main Hall                  the 9th Season

9 October * Saturday * 6.00 pm



The Karaganda Academic Theatre of Musical Comedy


J. Strauss

The Waltz King

Operetta in 2 acts

Libretto by Ye. Yezerskaya

The premiere took place on on 28 October 2016



Director: Golden Mask Award Winner Susanna TCIRIUK (Russia, St. Peterburg)

Conductor: Laureate of International Competitions and Festivals Tatiana TERESHCHENKO (Russia, St.Peterburg)

Artist: Anna SOROKINA (Russia, Sochi)

Choreographer: Golden Mask Award Winner Vladislav MOROZOV (Russia, Chelyabinsk)

Chorus Master: Holder of the Order of Kurmet Tatiana SHTYKOVA



The story of J. Strauss' operetta The Waltz King is set in Vienna. All townspeople have a special interest in a new star - the singer Elsa Wirth, the bride of the brilliant composer Gustav Stein. The Duke Charles of Westphalia, a philanthropist and ladies' man, also became interested in her. He persuades his uncle to bring Elsa to the palace. The former passion of the Duke Edith Flavon decides to eliminate her rival with the help of Frederica, the wife of Gustav's brother, Ludwig Stein. Edith makes Gustav find a pre-fabricated love correspondence between the Duke and Elsa, to which Gustav, in anger, cancels his engagement.


And in the Duke's palace, everything is ready for the ball. The Count, in pursuit of his interests, presents Elsa as a Chinese singer El Ji and announces to everyone that Elsa will not attend a luxurious ball held at the Duke's palace. El Ji-Elsa perfectly performs one of Gustav’s works, which causes general admiration. With regard to this, the Duke appoints Gustav as a kapellmeister, but he refuses under the pretext of correspondence between the Duke and Elsa.


At this point, it turns out that the Duke addressed letters to his mistress Edith. Gustav blames himself for being unfair to Elsa. Truth triumphs and the insidious Edith faces a choice either to become the Duke's wife or to go to jail. Elsa and Gustav find peace with each other again.


Running time: 2 hours 30 minutes