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Sundet Baigozhin

Sundet Baigozhin

Date of Birth
13.03.1984 (41), Arkalyk

Who by the sign of the zodiac

singer of opera

Baritone Sundeta Baigozhina has a light, bright timbre. This allows him to perform both dramatic and lyrical compositions.

Creative path

In 2008 Sundet graduated from the Kazakh National Academy of Music, where he studied solo singing professionally. This was followed by an internship in Italian city Yezi. Teachers repeatedly noted the talent of Sundet and prophesied him a brilliant future.

The young man wished to continue to improve his vocal skills. To this end, he enrolled in courses at the famous Accademia D'Arte Lirica Osimo and in 2015 continued his studies in Pesaro (Italy).

Sundet's career began with the Kulyash Bayseitova NTOB troupe. Since 2013 he has been a leading soloist with the Astana Opera Theatre. He has worked not only in Kazakhstan, but also abroad. He is often invited to the Teatro dell' Opera di Roma (Rome).

At Sundet Baigozhin's concerts one can hear virtuoso parts from works by G. Puccini, W. A. Mozart, J. Offenbach, G. Rossini as well as Russian composers - P. Tchaikovsky and S. S. Levin. Tchaikovsky and S. Rachmaninoff, as well as Russian composers. His voice sounds easy and relaxed, keeping all music registers level, which gives him a real professional.

Sundet Baigozhin: family life

The singer was married to Japanese ballerina Serina Sunagawa. The couple brought up Sanya's daughter. In 2015 the union collapsed and the woman took the child and went to her historic homeland. In 2017 Sundet proposed Aitkul Nurmanova - winner of the beauty contest "Miss Kostanai-2016". The girl replied by agreeing, however, about the future fate of their relationship the man does not extend.

Interesting facts

  1. Sundet's parents got divorced when he was a kid. The family lived poor, so in the 7th grade the boy had to earn a part-time job: he went out to the field and loaded hay.
  2. The first "fee" of the future singer was a double-sided sweater and 4 dozen eggs, which he received after his performance at school.
  3. The artist associates the name "Sundet" with personal integrity and fullness from within.