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Aigul Imanbaeva

Aigul Imanbaeva

Date of Birth
15.03.1977 (48), Zhambyl region

actor, singer, TV presenter.

Zodiac sign

In 1994, Aigul Imanbaeva crossed the threshold of the National Academy of Arts named after Zhurgenov, and from that moment on her creative work began. The academic years flew by quickly and already in 1998 Aigul begins to teach at the College named after Zhurgenov. Then she worked as an actress at the Musrepov Theater and conducted the program "So that there would be no shame". Aigul Imanbaeva's rich creative and teaching life has hardened and made her a multifaceted and interesting actress. Several dozens of roles in the theatre stand out on her account:


  • "Zhibek" in the play "Kyz Zhibek";
  • "Gazzas" in "Pai, pai, zhas zhabaylar ai."
  • "Alms" in "Alma Baghi";
  • "Akmaral" in "Zheltoksan Jelly" and others.

Spectators saw Aigul Imanbayeva in the films "The Wind Man", "Suyinshi", "The Balys Sailaou".

Aigul Imanbaeva started to sing and actively position herself as a singer in the late 90s. Her musical researches found a great response from the audience. Thus, the song "Tangi Eles" was awarded the Daryn Award, and Aigul Imanbaeva's video clips aroused great interest among her fans, for example, as a video for the song "Senorita" where she starred with a young Ukrainian actor.

Powerful energy does not let Aigul sit still, she continues to try new things: leads a course in KazNUI specialty "Musical Drama", continues to work in the Musrepov Theatre, despite the fact that she now lives in the capital, opened its theater.

Personal life of Aigul Imanbaeva

She keeps a lot of her fans busy. They vigorously discuss every photo of Aigul showing up with a man, attributing another novel to her, while Aigul stubbornly refutes all rumors. It is known that she was married to Sabit Abdykalykov and in this union, they had a son Asylzhan.