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Dauren Serdaliev «Мен сіздерді жақсы көремін»

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Composer Dauren Serdaliyev, who has made immeasurable contribution to Kazakhstani music, will hold his first creative evening under the title «Men sizderdi zhaksy kөremin».

Makpal Zhunisova - «Eki gashyk», Toktar and Beybit - «Аdemi», Meirambek Bespayev, Kanat Umbetov - «Suyikti etshi», Erkin Nurzhanov - «Ai kun», Kanat Umbetov and Aliya Abikenova - «Zhanimda bol», Quartet «Jigitter» - «Tugan zher», Asylzhan Abdulla - «Sagynbaymyn», Nurbolat Abdullin - «Bul menin tagdyrym» and many other works of the author will be sung for the audience this evening.

The best and hit songs of Dauren Serdaliyev, loved by listeners since the beginning of his career, will be performed at the concert. Do not miss out on an impressive evening!