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Lyuboy problema sheshemiz

Любой проблема шешемiзYear of release: 2023


Country of manufacture: Kazakhstan

Director: Alain Niyazbekov

Cast: Rustem Zhanyamanov, Anara Batyrkhan, Ramazan Amantai, Marat Dostaev

Genre: comedy

Duration: 90 minutes

Age restriction: 12+

Premiere date: July 6, 2023


The story of 4 heroes who have a fatal disease, the term of the acting characters is two weeks. Realizing the hopelessness of the situation, 4 characters realize that they have not done anything useful in their entire lives, because one of them is a traffic police officer who constantly takes bribes, the second is a dishonest realtor, the third is a robber, and the girl is a collector. The main characters decide to use the remaining time to do righteous deeds, but they do it according to their habits. A black comedy with an original plot