Festival of Japanese Cinema in Almaty
1/04 - The Heavenly Castle of Laputa (directed by H. Miyazaki, 1986)
2/04 - The Witch's Delivery Service (directed by H. Miyazaki, 1989)
3/04 - The Whisper of the Heart (directed by E. Kondo, 1995)
4/04 - Ponyo Fish on the Cliff (directed by H. Miyazaki, 2008)
5/04 - The Wind Grows Stronger (directed by H. Miyazaki, 2013)
Every year, a festival of Japanese films is held in Almaty as part of the international art «Japanese Spring». This year's festival will feature popular anime films from world-renowned authors Hayao Miyazaki and Yoshifumi Kondo. All the presented anime will have, in addition to the Russian-language voice acting, Kazakh subtitles.
Location of the event
Almaty, cinema theater «Arman», blue hall.
On average, 1 hour and 30 minutes.
japanese cinema
- DateLocationZoneAdultsChildren
- 1AprilTuesArman CinemaСинийfrom 900from 900
- 2AprilWedArman CinemaСинийfrom 900from 900
- 3AprilThuArman CinemaСинийfrom 900from 900
- 4AprilFriArman CinemaСинийfrom 900from 900