
Dear guests!

In connection with the participation of the State Opera and Ballet Theatre “Astana Opera” in the pilot project Ashyq, we ask you to come to the performances in advance.

Please install the Ashyq application on your mobile device prior to visiting the Theatre.


1. Download and install the Ashyq application on your mobile device (App Store for iPhone, Google Play for Android).

2. Fill in your phone number and IIN.

3. When entering the Theatre, you have to select the ENTRANCE registration and scan the QR-code (ENTRANCE).

4. The system will determine the status of a visitor, which must be shown to the Theatre employee at the entrance.


Blue and Green – there are no restrictions on visiting our Theatre

Yellow – limited access to our Theatre, as they are exposed persons to COVID-19

Red – strictly limited access to our Theatre, as they must be on self-isolation or outpatient treatment.

If the visitor has a “red” or “yellow” status, then the visitor is not allowed into the Theatre and, before the start of the performance, he/she returns the purchased tickets if there is a screenshot of the status.

To date, an algorithm has been developed for the actions of officials of the disease control and the internal affairs bodies when revealing the facts of violation of self-isolation by infected persons.

This algorithm was approved by the Interdepartmental Commission on 7 December 2020. Administrative liability is envisaged for such persons in the form of a fine.

5. If the visitor does not have the opportunity to independently check the status, then this procedure can be carried out by the Theatre employee using the “guard” mode – through the mechanical input of the IIN into the database with the consent of the visitor.

We sincerely hope for your understanding!


Age limit for performances in the Main Hall: 10+, for concerts in the Chamber Hall: 7+

We remind you that people over 65 years old are temporarily restricted to visit the theatre.

(In accordance with the Decree “On restrictive and quarantine measures in the city of Nur-Sultan” dated 02.02.2021 No. 5, clause 1.5. signed by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor Beisenova S.S.)

We also ask you to maintain social distancing and wear masks during the interval.


2020 / 2021                 Main Hall                  the 8th Season

29 / 30 May * Saturday / Sunday * 6:00 / 5:00 pm


Georges Bizet


Opera in 4 acts

Libretto by Henri Meilhac and Ludovic Halévy

based on an eponymous novella by Prosper Mérimée




Conductor –   Alan Buribayev, Honoured Worker of Kazakhstan, Laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Conductor –  Ruslan Baymurzin

Stage Director –   Lorenzo Amato

Director –   Yerenbak Toikenov

Stage Designer –  Ezio Frigerio

Costume Designer –   Franca Squarciapino

Assistant Costume Designers –    Hélène Kritikos, Arassel Dosmuratova

Lighting Designer –  Jacopo Pontani

Projection Designer –   Sergio Metalli

Chorus Master –  Yerzhan Dautov, Honoured Worker of Kazakhstan

Ballet Masters - Producers –   Yelena Sherstneva / Tursynbek Nurkaliyev, Honoured Worker of Kazakhstan

Accompanist Responsible, Subtitle Editor – Yelena Sakhno

Head of Children’s Choir – Altynganym Akhmetova


The fate of the opera Carmen by the French composer Georges Bizet was dramatic. Accentuated realism and choice of the main characters – a frivolous gypsy girl and a soldier, who became a deserter and murderer out of his love for her - shocked the Paris audiences. Bizet died of a heart attack three months after his creation failed, unaware that soon this work would become one of the prominent masterpieces of opera classics.

The opera takes place in Spain in the first half of the 19th century. The beautiful, passionate and freedom-loving gypsy Carmen, who stands out among other workers of the cigarette factory, is in the centre of the rapid succession of events. Unlike the original source, Bizet ennobled the character of his heroine, emphasizing her directness of feelings and independence of actions.

The librettists introduced colorful folk scenes into the opera. A temperamental and motley crowd, dwelling under the burning Southern sun, romantic figures of gypsies and smugglers, and the uplifting atmosphere of bullfighting acutely and brightly emphasize the original characters of Carmen, Don José, Micaëla and Escamillo as well as the tragic nature of their destinies.

Carmen is a fatal woman, whose freedom and love become destructive both for the one she recently loved, and for herself as well.

It is not difficult to understand the reason for such popularity. There are a lot of magnificent tunes in the opera! However, “the historical significance of Bizet's opera is not only in its endless artistic value, but also in the fact that for the first time ever the drama of ordinary people, affirming the ethical rights and dignity of a human being, was so skilfully described on the opera stage...”




29 MAY

Carmen:   Dina KHAMZINA, Honoured Worker of Kazakhstan

Don José:  Meir BAINESH, Honoured Worker of Kazakhstan

Escamillo:  Talgat MUSSABAYEV, Honoured Worker of Kazakhstan  

Micaëla:   Aigul NIYAZOVA, Honoured Worker of Kazakhstan

Zuniga: Shyngys RASYLKHAN

Moralès: Talgat GALEYEV

Frasquita:  Aizada KAPONOVA, Holder of the Order of Kurmet

Mercédès: Gulzhanat SAPAKOVA

Le Dancaïre:  Yerulan KAMEL

Le Remendado:   Ramzat BALAKISHIYEV


* * *


30 MAY

Carmen: Tatyana VITSINSKAYA

Don José: Meir BAINESH, Honoured Worker of Kazakhstan


Micaëla:  Zhamilya JARKIMBAYEVA, Honoured Worker of Kazakhstan

Zuniga: Shyngys RASYLKHAN

Moralès:  Yerzhan SAIPOV

Frasquita: Aizada KAPONOVA, Holder of the Order of Kurmet

Mercédès: Yelena GANZHA

Le Dancaïre: Yerulan KAMEL

Le Remendado:  Ramzat BALAKISHIYEV


Running time: 3 hours (including two intervals)


Performed in French

(accompanied by simultaneous subtitles in Kazakh and Russian)