Scorpions в Алматы
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Horse riding tour at the foot of Ile-Alatau

Horse riding tour at the foot of Ile-Alatau   тур

Place of departure: Almaty, Abaya 50, Circus parking

The price of the tour includes: transport in both directions, 2.5 hours of skiing, accompanying guide, instructor, helmet

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Gathering place: Almaty, Abaya/Baizakov str., circus parking

Collection time: 08:00

Check-out time: 08:15

Registration by number: 8 777 299 97 67

A horse riding tour at the foot of the Ile-Alatau in Kazakhstan can be an unforgettable adventure.

The Ile-Alatau region itself is located within the National Natural Park, and it is known for its stunning nature: here you can see everything from the endless steppes to the snowy mountain peaks.

During the horse riding tour, you can enjoy this scenic view, explore the local scenery, see various types of wildlife and even visit historical sites.