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Address: 226 Nazarbayev Avenue, Ramstor shopping center, Almaty

Phone: +7-705-500-90-52

Opening hours: Daily from 10:00 to 22:00

Stop: Ramstor shopping Center

Parking: there is, from the side of Zholdasbekov street

Entrance: from Zholdasbekov St. and Nazarbayev Ave.

Ramstor Shopping Center is a modern and attractive shopping center in Almaty. Here you will find many shops offering a wide range of goods, ranging from clothing and shoes to electronics and household appliances. There is also a supermarket in the Ramstor shopping center, where you can buy fresh food and necessary everyday goods. 

In addition, there are also cafes and restaurants where you can enjoy a variety of culinary dishes. Ramstor Shopping Center offers a convenient location and excellent service, making it an ideal place for shopping and recreation.